Yesterday, April 24th, 2021, was World Veterinary Day, where we celebrate the veterinary profession. This celebration was created in 2000 by the World Veterinary Association and takes place every year on the last Saturday of April.
The theme of this year’s World Veterinary Day is “Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 Crisis”. The theme was chosen to celebrate and highlight all that veterinarians have done for animals, people, and the planet over the course of the pandemic.
This year, on World Veterinary Day, we would like to spotlight the Orangutan Veterinary Advisory Group (OVAG). Initiated by OC and supported by Chester Zoo, OVAG seeks to bring those working with orangutans together to share expertise, knowledge, and exchange ideas to move forwards with effective orangutan conservation.
OVAG was created in 2009 when OC held a workshop that was dedicated to veterinarians who specialized in orangutan rescue and rehabilitation within Indonesia. Today, the OVAG workshop brings together over 30 organizations, including rehabilitation centers, conservation projects, universities, Government bodies, zoos, funders, and supporters to empower Indonesian and Malaysian wildlife health practitioners and academics. OVAG also offers professional training to veterinarians and conservation managers who work directly with orangutan rescue and rehab centers.
For more information, check out!