by Tom Mills for the Orangutan Conservancy
New spatial plan legislation by the government of Aceh may be approved in days, which will open up even more of the already disappearing orangutan homeland in the Jantho pine forest nature reserve in Sumatra.
Several new roads, followed by mining, timber and palm oil operations could occur there if this is passed. Ian Singleton from Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP) narrates this insightful, short video that explains the situation clearly.
Please watch and share this important video with others who care about orangutans, tigers and elephants and their forest home.
Stay tuned here for updates on this crucial situation from Sumatra.
You can also visit the SOCP website to learn more about their heroic work to save orangutans.
SOCP is one of the projects in Indonesia that the Orangutan Comservancy helps to support.