Fighting Fires in Sebangau: Protecting Reforestation Sites in Borneo

As fires continue to burn through precious forested areas, firefighting teams at the Borneo Nature Foundation’s Natural Laboratory of Peat-swamp Forest (LAHG) tirelessly fight the flames to protect critical reforestation sites.





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Borneo Nature Foundation

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As fires continue to burn through precious forested areas, firefighting teams at the Borneo Nature Foundation’s Natural Laboratory of Peat-swamp Forest (LAHG) tirelessly fight the flames to protect critical reforestation sites. The LAHG site provides opportunities for both regional and international scientists and students to carry out important scientific work. Additionally, it provides a base for BNF’s patrol work, hydrology restoration, and reforestation teams. It is also the site of the longest continuously run study on orangutan density and nest decay rates in the world!

As we know, peat-swamp forests are prone to severe fires throughout the dry season, and with such vital work being carried out at research stations such as LAHG, OC is dedicated to funding critical firefighting efforts every single year.

The project funding will go towards firefighting equipment, personal protective equipment for firefighters, and salaries for firefighters.

2024 Update

In 2023, the Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF) faced the daunting challenge of combating extensive fires that ravaged the island of Borneo, particularly threatening the Sebangau National Park and its diverse wildlife, including the critically endangered Bornean orangutans. Despite the severity of the situation, BNF, alongside local communities and government partners, mounted an extensive and coordinated emergency response. Through their Integrated Fire Management Strategy, BNF implemented a range of initiatives focusing on prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery, with a particular emphasis on restoring the hydrology of peatlands, promoting sustainable land-use practices, and providing alternative livelihood support to local communities.

The tireless efforts of BNF’s firefighting teams, alongside the support of donors and partners from around the world, proved instrumental in preventing widespread forest loss within their working areas. By deploying firefighting teams, conducting patrols, and implementing post-fire recovery strategies, BNF successfully protected vital habitats and biodiversity. As they transition from emergency response to long-term fire prevention and preparedness, BNF continues to emphasize collaboration and community engagement in safeguarding Borneo’s forests for future generations.

Featured Photo: Forest fire on edge of Sebangau River. Photo By: Markurius Sera and Borneo Nature Foundation.

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