Project Funding

The Orangutan Conservancy (OC) actively supports initiatives that advance its mission of supporting wild research, rescue and rehabilitation centers in Borneo and Sumatra, funding conservation science, supporting education programs, and staging the annual Orangutan Veterinary Advisory Group Workshops. On an annual cycle, OC considers proposals (typically not exceeding $5,000- $10,000) to fund projects that specifically meet these criteria.

Image Courtesy of Sintang Orangutan Center

Eligible Proposals

Applicants should keep in mind that projects that allow OC to be distinctly identified, as opposed to being part of a large, commingled funding pool, are encouraged. The funded activity may be part of a larger collaborative effort, but OC’s mission is often best advanced by clear identification with a discrete aspect of the work. OC does not typically provide seed money to start a project whose completion will depend on subsequent support.

The OC is philosophically committed to the idea that local people are an essential part of the conservation equation; therefore, sustainable co-existence between humans and wildlife is of paramount concern. Preference will be given to in situ investigators who invest in local people and encourage sustainability. This may include training, employment, mentorship, or academic opportunities.

Basic Science
  1. Emphasis is placed on projects that have an applied value in terms of increasing the general knowledge of the genus Pongo. Examples include veterinary and nutritional care, husbandry, and captive management in rehabilitation centers.
  2. Research must not compromise the welfare of individual subjects, or their social partners.
  3. Studies that collect data through opportunistic sampling are highly preferred.
  4. Elective sedation solely for the purpose of research will not be considered.
Conservation-useful Science: 
  1. Field conservation conducted in situ that involves “Direct Action” such as field work, species recovery, veterinary care, and costs associated with maintaining assurance populations.
  2.  Research in or ex situ that advances the conservation of wild orangutans or their habitat.
  3. Field Conservation Education such as awareness-building through the production of educational materials, outcome-oriented education, and training/capacity building.
Sanctuaries and Rehabilitation Centers: 
  1. Requests for operating and capital expenses for in situ sanctuaries and rehabilitation centers that care for orangutans will be considered.
Emergency Appeals: 
  1. Unanticipated emergencies directly related to the mission of the Orangutan Conservancy may be eligible for funding. In these cases, the steering committee may vote to respond proactively without receiving a proposal (typically not exceeding $5,000).
  2. If you are submitting a proposal that is directly related to issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic please fill out the COVID-19 Emergency Funding Application.

Proposal Requirements: 

  1. Cover letter (details below).
  2. CV for the principal investigator or person in charge of administering funding.
  3. A narrative describing the proposed research or project/activity (details below).
  4. The following are only required if applicable to your proposal:
    1. Verification by the applicant’s home institution as applicable
    2. Letters of approval from the research site (in or ex situ)
    3. Documentation of domestic and/or international permits


Cover Letter Requirements:

  1. A brief description of the goals & objectives of the proposed project (250 words max)
  2. The intended product (project, research, field site and rehabilitation center needs, education, conference, etc.).
  3. Other sources of funding that have already been committed to the project
  4. Co-investigators (if any and as applicable)


Narrative Requirements:

  1. A brief Introduction (500 words max)
  2. A full Methodology (500 words max)
  3. Timeline with a projected end date 
  4. Projected budget describing how OC funds will be used – please include amounts listed in both Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) and U.S. Dollar (USD)
  5. Inclusion of photos and stories that can be used for publication on the OC website, copies of any media coverage, and other products are highly encouraged as they help generate funding for our annual grants.


Notes on Submitting Your Proposal

  1. Proposals may be received at any time throughout the year with funds being awarded as available. Any proposals received after September 1 will be considered for the following calendar year.
  2. All proposals should be submitted electronically through OC’s application page on our website. Once submitted, the applicant should receive a confirmation email with a summary of their submission.
  3. If you are submitting a proposal that is directly related to issues caused by the COVID19 pandemic please fill out the COVID-19 Emergency Funding Application.

 Upon completion of your proposed project, OC must receive a follow-up report including:

  1. A general description of the project’s proceedings
  2. A breakdown of how OC funding was used for your project
  3. Photos and/or stories that showcase the project (when possible and as applicable)


The follow-up report should be emailed to our main address at [email protected] or directly to OC’s president at [email protected].

Please Note: New proposals from the grantee will not be considered until final reports have been received for previously funded projects.

Question about funding a project?