Police Save Infant Orangutan in East Kalimantan

(JG Photo/Safir Makki)
(JG Photo/Safir Makki)

Tunggadewa Mattangkilang for the Jakarta Globe

Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan. The Kutai Kartanegara district police in East Kalimantan have rescued a 1.5-year-old orangutan which had strayed into private fields, a police spokesman said on Thursday.

Adj. Comr. Suwarno, the Kutai Kartanegara district police spokesman, said that villagers found the stray orangutan in a field in Gunung Sari village, in the Tabang subdistrict of Tabang on Tuesday.

“The discovery was made by a resident in his field and at the same time a police member was passing through the area. The field owner initially was reluctant to hand over the orangutan, but after persuasion, he later did so,” Suwarno said.

The orangutan was then taken to the district police station and from there was handed over to the Tenggarong chapter of the Natural Resources Conservancy Agency (BKSDA) to be rehabilitated and later released back into the wild.

This is an excerpt from an article in the Jakarta Globe.  To read the entire article click here.

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