Orangutan News: Newborn Baby Orangutan Born in Aceh Forest

An orangutan named Mongki, carrying its newborn baby Mameh, hangs on a tree in Jantho, Aceh, on Nov. 7. photo courtesy: (SOCP/MUKHLISIN)

by Hotli Simanjuntak for the Jakarta Post

Rangers at the Jantho conservation forest in Aceh Besar, Aceh, were carrying out routine monitoring when they found a female orangutan named Mongki carrying a baby orangutan on Nov. 7.

The team believed it was Mongki’s baby. They have subsequently named the baby animal Mameh, which means “sweet” in the local language.

“Mameh is the second baby orangutan born in the Jantho reintroduction forest,” said Ian Singleton, the director of the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program (SOCP), which manages the forest in collaboration with the Aceh Resource Conservation Agency (BKSDA).

Mongki was released into the wild in Jantho in 2011.

Mongki had previously been spotted three times this year.

This excerpt from a news article appeared in and is courtesy of the Jakarta Post and can be viewed in its entirety here.

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