by Raffaella Commitante for the Orangutan Conservancy
It soon will be time again for our annual Orangutan Veterinary Advisory Group (OVAG) Workshop for 2017! This year we expect it to be our biggest workshop ever.
Joining the regular group of participants will be managers from nearly every orangutan rehabilitation center in both Indonesia and Malaysia. Zoo vets from America, England, Switzerland, Japan and Singapore will be coming as well. Supporting us in our efforts to put together an effective, worthwhile event are: the Orangutan Conservancy, Chester Zoo, The Orangutan Project, Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo, Abaxis and Arcus Foundation.
The OC/OVAG workshop will be held with our longtime collaborator, Universitas Gadjah Mada in Jogjakarta. It will run from July 23 to July 28. Preceding the workshop will be a series of lectures held at the University for both students and staff of their veterinary department. Invited to lecture are OVAG’s Steve Unwin and Raffaella Comitante.
Stay tuned for further information once the workshop has started.