This week marks the annual “Orangutan Caring Week” across the globe.
While the Orangutan Conservancy focuses on these amazing primates 365 days a year, one special week is set aside to draw extra attention to the endangered great apes. Throughout the week, dozens of orangutan organizations will be holding special events and creating unique awareness campaigns to share more about orangutans with people the world over.
You can follow the proceedings online by using the #OrangutanCaringWeek on your social media pages of choice, and please take action yourself as this year’s theme is “Act Now to Preserve the Future.” Challenge yourself to come up with one proactive approach this week to help orangutans, and let us know what your approach is and we’ll share it online with others who are doing their part as well.
The Orangutan Conservancy will be appearing at the Los Angeles Zoo on the 18th and 19th to discuss orangutans by the zoo’s impressive orangutan center and we hope you’ll stop by to say hello if you’re in the area. If not, you can still join us right here for stories and on our Facebook page for daily fun facts about our forest friends. Let’s all do our part to spread the word about orangutans. They’re counting on it.