By Dr. Raffaella Commitante
Today was a very interesting day for me personally at the 2014 OC/OVAG Veterinary Workshop as we were first going to be working in the parasitology lab, and then we were going to the PCR/DNA extraction lab.
I had never seen the process done so it was very interesting. A PhD student was running a genetic sequence. We were able to watch the very detailed work as he added dye using a very fine pipette to the gel that held the extracted DNA. We were then given a lecture on the entire process by the professor in the lab Prof. Dr. Wayan. It was very cool!

After sitting through two lab sessions and a parasitology quiz, the OVAG delegates relaxed a bit by taking a selfie while waiting for transport back to the hotel from the University. They used the latest fad – a Bluetooth enabled extension pole which you attach to your cell phone.