OC/OVAG Veterinary Workshop Day Three Highlights

DNA extraction in process
DNA extraction in process

By Dr. Raffaella Commitante

Today was a very interesting day for me personally at the 2014 OC/OVAG Veterinary Workshop as we were first going to be working in the parasitology lab, and then we were going to the PCR/DNA extraction lab.

I had never seen the process done so it was very interesting.  A PhD student was running a genetic sequence.   We were able to watch the very detailed work as he added dye using a very fine pipette to the gel that held the extracted DNA.  We were then given a lecture on the entire process by the professor in the lab Prof. Dr. Wayan.  It was very cool!

Prof. Wayan explains the DNA extraction process
Prof. Wayan explains the DNA extraction process

After sitting through two lab sessions and a parasitology quiz, the OVAG delegates relaxed a bit by taking a selfie while waiting for transport back to the hotel from the University.  They used the latest fad – a Bluetooth enabled extension pole which you attach to your cell  phone.

OC/OVAG delegates take their photo from an orangutan perspective
OC/OVAG delegates take their photo from an orangutan perspective


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