The Orangutan Conservancy often creates various partnerships with business small and large in order to expand our reach and to support local artisans who are interested in making a difference. Today we are highlighting Claire Burnett, owner of Claire Burnett Art and Concrete Cow Jewellery Co. She is an amazing artisan and cares deeply about our mission of conserving the earth’s orangutan population along with their rain forest homes. Check out her story below:

“I’m Claire Burnett owner of the Etsy shops, Claire Burnett Art and The Concrete Cow Jewellery co. I started by selling some of my clay Jewellery. It was originally just a little hobby to help me relax. That was until someone asked to buy some from me! So it gave me a chance to buy more materials and make some space. But I still missed my art. A friend brought me some paints and paper as a gift, and I started to paint again, something I’d done for hours as a child, but as an adult let it drop. I realised how much I’d missed it, so set up my second Etsy shop for my art! I saw a news report featuring deforestation in Borneo some years ago, I was heartbroken to see an orangutan hitting out at a piece of machinery, a gentle animal defending itself, and protecting its home, humans were taking that from him!! From that day I longed to see these beautiful men of the forest. “

” I fell in love the beautiful country of Borneo this year when I went to visit the rainforest, I left a part of my heart there. The local people, the wildlife and the sounds of the rainforest make me feel very emotional and I will never forget my trip! I’ve since learnt much about the plight of deforestation, about orangutans and our excessive use of palm oil. I feel that once you are educated about something, you have a responsibility to do your best to act. As such I wanted to use my art and jewellery to help raise funds for orangutan conservation! I now use a body lotion and shampoo I know doesn’t use palm oil, avoid cosmetics with it in and check my food packets to avoid it as much as possible! It’s an impossible task to remove it completely because it’s in so many things. And this breaks my heart! So I hope my tiny contribution helps in some way and raises awareness and I hope we still have these beautiful animals to enjoy for many many years!”
Claire Burnett
Check out Claire’s collection:
*Portion of proceeds will be donated to the Orangutan Conservancy

miniature mounted watercolour pencil drawing of an orangutan, in aid of orangutan conservation.

Painting in aid of orangutan conservation 10×8″ mounted original watercolour painting of a orangutan mother and baby.
Make sure to keep an eye on our On Canvas: artistryXconservation page for more artisan partnerships and art listings!