OC Announces Funding for new SOCP Environmental Health Monitoring Project

SOCP’s Jantho Orangutan Reintroduction station is where orangutans are readied for release into the wild.

The Orangutan Conservancy has been a longtime supporter of the important work being accomplished by the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP) in Indonesia.  Dr. Ian Singleton and his dedicated staff are active in many areas of orangutan conservation including rescue and rehabilitation, research and very  successful public awareness initiatives both in Indonesia and across the globe.  SOCP is also in the early stages of developing the future home for unreleasable orangutans to be called Orangutan Haven.

Recently SOCP started up a new and much-needed initiative identified as the “Environmental Health Monitoring in the Jantho Pine Forest Nature Reserve as part of the Sumatran Orangutan Reintroduction Programme”  The Orangutan Conservancy is pleased to announce our first-round of funding support for this new effort in Northern Aceh.

As Dr. Singleton explains, “We’ve had a couple of outbreaks now among released animals, one in wet season at end of 2013 and again at end of 2016. As such we’ve collected lots of samples from orangutans that need to be tested and investigated by the lab at the Primate Research Centre in Bogor and that will be quite expensive.”  

The Orangutan Conservancy is pleased to be able to help SOCP to achieve their goal of finding answers to the environmental health issues in Jantho that are affecting newly liberated orangutans in the wild.  The work being done in this new project will certainly lead to even more successful orangutan releases in the future.

If you’d like to join OC in supporting this project please visit our How to Help page.

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