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The United States and Indonesia have joined forces to protect orangutans and their habitats through a new conservation initiative. This partnership, led by USAID and the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, focuses on preserving forests, engaging local communities, and advancing scientific research to support the critically endangered orangutans.

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The Orangutan Conservancy is excited to announce our new Kids' Orangutan Adoption package just in time for the giving season! This brand new adoption package is geared towards the younger generation of conservationists that want to help support and protect wild orangutans in Indonesia.
The United States and Indonesia have joined forces to protect orangutans and their habitats through a new conservation initiative. This partnership, led by USAID and the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, focuses on preserving forests, engaging local communities, and advancing scientific research to support the critically endangered orangutans.
Last year, The Orangutan Conservancy provided funding for Sintang Orangutan Center (SOC) to purchase an X-ray machine for their clinic and rehabilitation center in West Kalimantan.
Happy Ape-ril, aka Ape Awareness Month! Wild ape species face a multitude of dangers and destruction, including habitat loss, hunting, and poaching.
Back in 2020, The Orangutan Conservancy funded Borneo Nature Foundation's (BNF) 1,000-meter boardwalk. This boardwalk is 20cm wide, made of Banaus wood, and allows for access for seedling mobilization, planting, and monitoring by the BNF team.

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