An annual tradition – the Orangutan Conservancy’s OC/OVAG Veterinary Workshop – will unfold this summer in a new locale. The yearly event will move from its permanent home in Indonesia to nearby Malaysia. The Sabah Wildlife Authority, an organization that oversees the wildlife conservation of multiple species in the northeastern part of Borneo, has generously welcomed and made possible this important 8th gathering of orangutans vets and healthcare workers to their country.
Each year the Orangutan Conservancy brings together the frontline heroes that care for thousands of captive and wild orangutans. It is the only time these ever-busy orangutan specialists can join together face to face to share their knowledge and experiences. They’ve told us time and again that it is a gathering that helps them throughout the year as they care for the orangutans at their rescue and rehabilitation centers as well as those struggling to survive in the threatened rainforest.
This year’s 8th Workshop will be held July 24-28 in Sabah, Malaysia at the SOLUXE Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, and we expect it to be the largest group in attendance yet.
As Orangutan Conservancy Board member and co-founder of the workshop, Dr. Raffaella Commitante, explains, “We have been invited by the Sabah Wildlife Authority, an organization that oversees the wildlife conservation of multiple species in the northeastern part of Borneo. This year the workshop will cover orthopedics, ophthalmology and new research into the use of anesthetics. We are even including a session on orangutan behavior to better understand issues relating to health. We will continue to discuss ongoing issues such as parasites, disease load and management, and of course, case studies from our vets at various centers.”
You can see some video from the 2015 OC/OVAG Workshop here.
Please help the Orangutan Conservancy continue our work of providing these orangutan experts a place and opportunity to be together by visiting our How to Help page.