Over the past few months the students of Miss Amelia Bakewell’s class at Featherstone All Saints C of E Academy in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom have been working on a special project covering all aspects of orangutan conservation! These young activists have created:
- Letters to Nestle
- Accounts of Deforestation from the Orangutans’ perspective
- Informative Reports on Orangutans
The Orangutan Conservancy was so excited to read all of the student’s reports, letters, and accounts as they were so carefully created and detailed. We hope that you too will enjoy these magnificent pieces of work and take solace in the fact that the world’s next generation will certainly have some brilliant conservationists.
The Orangutan Conservancy was delighted to be able to assist these students by providing various educational resources and guidance on orangutan facts and conservation. OC was also happy to send a class set of our “SAVE THE ORANGUTAN” wristbands!

Conservation through Education
The Orangutan Conservancy, although we mainly focus on our conservation initiatives in Southeast Asia, are still committed to effective educational practices around the world that help spread the importance of conservation-minded students.
If you are a teacher or part of a group interested in learning more about orangutan conservation then please visit our Educational Resources page to learn more.
Letters to Nestle
Nestle: Palm Oil & Deforestation
Nestle Letter #1
“Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my concern about the deforestation you have caused in the Bornean rain forest. I am extremely concerned about the amount of palm oil you use in your products and how it affects the orangutans.
Firstly, you have stipulated to use 100% responsibly sourced palm oil by 2020. However, in 2019, you only managed to use 54%. Do you really believe you will reach your goal by 2020?
In addition to my first point, innocent creatures such as the orangutans are at risk of extinction. Furthermore, 1,000 orangutans are killed every year and only 52,000 remin in the wild. At the current rate of extinction this means that there will be no orangutans remaining in the future.
Moreover, by purchasing untraceable palm oil, you are eradicating one of the largest ecosystems in the world. I believe that, the rainforest, which is often referred to as the lungs of the planet, absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen; a gas which all animals depend on for survival. You do realize you are destroying the very world you live in and require to survive?
In conclusion, I am now doubting whether to use the brand Nestle; I feel like I have been excruciatingly let down. I strongly suggest, to make a difference, you should find an alternative or invest in a company who uses traceable palm oil. Considering the whole situation, if you do not change your ways, I will convert to buying one of your competitor’s products, Cadbury. Additionally, I will share the information I have found about your company.
Yours faithfully,
| Nestle Letter #2
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am devastated about the deforestation you are causing: Borneo is losing 30% of rain forest a year. Are you not concerned about how much palm oil you are using in your products?
Firstly, you have committed to use 100% responsibly sourced palm oil by 2020. However, in 2018, you only managed to trace 54%. Will you ever be able to reach your goal?
In addition to my first point, the National Geographic state that at least 1,000 orangutans are at the risk of extinction each year, which means in 52 years there will be no orangutans left in the world.
My final point is to make sure you put an end to eradicating one of the most immense eco systems in the world. If you continue doing this, we will all inevitably die.
In conclusion, I will no longer be trusting the Nestle brand: I feel like I have been let down by your intolerable actions. I truly believe you should invest in finding an alternative that will prevent you from using untraceable palm oil. Although I love you chocolate, I will not purchase it because I will not be responsible for destroying the environment. I am eager to hear a prompt reply as I am sure you would like to resolve this situation to secure the Nestle brand.
Yours faithfully,
Nestle Letter #3
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to inform you about the deforestation that you are causing as a result of your use of palm oil that has not been responsibly sourced. Surely, you are aware of the damage you are causing to the Bornean rain forest.
Firstly, you have pledged, that by 2020, you will 100% responsible palm oil. However, in 2018, [only] 54% of traceable palm oil was used. Do you still believe your commitment is achievable?
It is clear that there are only 52,000 orangutans left in the world and 1,000 are dying each year. Therefore, you have 52 years to keep these apes alive. Do you think your company should change their ways while they can?
In conclusion, if you continue to use palm oil in your products, I will no longer have confidence in the brand Nestle ; I feel this is unacceptable: I am unendurably let down. I suggest that you find an alternative for palm oil or ensure that the oil you use is sustainable. If you do not change your actions, I will not purchase your products and I will boycott your brand, which will affect your profit. I am eager to hear a reply as I am sure you want to secure Nestle.
Yours faithfully,
Deforestation Accounts
Students wrote accounts from an orangutan’s perspective of the devastating deforestation occurring in Southeast Asia.
“They came at night. A blinding flash of light dazzled me, causing my tired eyes to strain. I heard a loud rumbling noise getting closer and closer. I saw a mythical creature creeping across the ground holding metallic, spinning spikes. I was struck dead with fear. An astronomical roar from the fearful beast struck through the ingenuous forest: it met with an encore of defensive howls and caterwauls . “
“The hairs on the back of my neck spiculed; I buried my head into my mother’s soft, shaggy fur and blocked my eyes. Frighteningly, the claw of the mechanical creature slashed through the trees, throwing them to the ground below, causing it to tremble violently.”
“Hugging my mother tightly, she ushered me to the highest point of the tree and told me to stay safe. They were the last words she spoke: it was the last time I saw her.”
“They came at night. Immense rumbles drowned out my father’s snores as blinding lights dazzled me, causing my tired eyes to strain. Clambering down the tree, monstrous beasts hurled towards my mother and I was struck dead with fear. Reluctant, anguished, threatened, defensive howls and screeches echoed around the forest as the metallic monster began demolishing my homeland. As violent trembles shook the dusty ground ancient trees tumbled down like dominoes.”
“Crouching next to my mama, I embedded my head into her fur as deafening noises surrounded everyone around me. Her eyes were glazed over with terror and dread. At that moment, I knew my life was going to end. Beneath me, her warm palm urged me towards the top of the nearest tree. Tears rolled down my face as I knew what was about to come. Scrambling away from the death trap. I turned away and noticed mama was gone. All I could think of were her last words: I love you.”
“They came at night. Vroom. A vibration shot through the dozing forest, flocks of birds scattered into the air. A noise like nothing I’ve heard grew louder, eventually drowning out the snores of the animals. It grew closer and closer and closer until it burned my ears. Panicked, anxious, depressed, my mama carefully ushered me from the lowest branch of the great oak tree. The metallic beast was almost in touching distance. Its beaming lights dazzled my eyes causing me to hide in my mother’s fur.”
“With her last shred of hope, she gently led me to the roof of our once beautiful home. Destruction everywhere: ancient trees were being eliminated and crushed. The last thing she ever told me to do was not to look back; just to remember that she loved me and always would. She sobbed, hugged me and jumped down. I started crying, my tears slowly turning into screams of terror. I looked down; I wish I never did. One by one the tree we called home – fell like dominoes trapping my mother beneath them. “Mama… mama….MAMA!” I screamed at the top of my voice. She was gone forever.”
Orangutan Reports
Students created informational reports on orangutans detailing different facts about there evolution, habitat, geographic location, diet, and endangered status.
Why are orangutans so incredible?
Different qualities but no similarities. Nothing is as extraordinary, incredible or majestic as the orangutan. The average lifespan of this large simion is 60-65 years old: it evolved from the gigantopithecus, which lived inexplicably for only a third of the time. With arms as long as its legs, the alpha of the jungle predominantly reaches for each branch looking for food, with no dismay. This primates distinctive reddish-brown coat covers its large body, allowing it to camouflage amongst the trees of the rain forest. Our cousin – the Orangutan- has a sizeable brain, which provides the ape with peripheral vision. This allows the creature to scan the distance between the trees more accurately.
What part of the world could you find them?
Overtime, orangutan have changed where they lived. Hundreds of years ago they could be found in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, they are now limited to two islands: Borneo (the third largest island) and Sumatra. Borneo is a populated island, which is divided politically between Malaysia and Indonesia. In 1970, 75% of Borneo was covered in rainforest. Deforestation has occurred between 1950 and 2018 but is still currently happening. Now only 45% of Borneo’s entirety is rainforest. How shocking is that! It has been discovered, 1000 orangutans die a year. Approximately, 50,000 live on Borneo and 7000 on Sumatra.
Within the towering trees of the Bornean rainforest, orangutans reside below the emergent layer, venturing for food. Amongst the canopy, these approachable simions are isolated creatures with only 1 orangutan per square kilometer dwelling alone.
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