A Message from our President…

Hello friends of Orangutan Conservancy!  Yes, it is that time of the year again for our annual Orangutan Veterinary Advisory Group Workshop 2019!!!! While we have not officially started, a few members of the OVAG committee were invited to speak at a seminar for students and faculty of several  universities in Jogja hosted by our in country partner UGM (Univeristas Gadjah Mada – Vet School). 

Below are Siska Sulistyo (OVAG Indonesian Representative), Steve Unwin (Chester Zoo rep), Raffaella Commitante (yours truly), Nancy Lung (Orangutan SSP), and Pak Indar (our very good friend from UGM).  As a thank you for speaking, we were given UGM tshirts and hats and of course our certificate!

Here we are in our UGM hats!!!!

It was a great day to see old friends and make new ones at the University.  After the seminar we met with the Dean of the vet school to discuss future partnerships and ways that OVAG can contribute to a wildlife curriculum that is newly being planned.

Tomorrow, our workshop begins with an international group of amazing people (including two PASA vets from Africa) totally 89 participants – YIKES!!!!!!

Stay tuned for more updates on OVAG 2019! Click below to learn more.

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