7th OC/OVAG Veterinary Workshop Begins

OC OVAG 2015 LOGOby Raffaella Commitante for the Orangutan Conservancy

Well, it is that time of the year again! Time for our 7th Annual Orangutan Conservancy/Orangutan Veterinary Advisory Workshop!

This year we have over 50 people attending from Indonesia, Malaysia, the U.K., the U.S., and Germany. We are also inviting managers for a short two day seminar of their own this year in addition to orangutan center veterinarians. We will also have some zoo vets join us from Indonesia as well as from the U.S. and the U.K.

This year’s workshop not only will we focus on orangutan health and well-being, but we are also making preparations to begin some education backed short courses for wildlife vets – our hopes being that we can begin the initiation of a Wildlife Veterinary or Conservation Medicine Master’s program in Indonesia – the first.  We will also be focusing on formally evaluating our program for effectiveness to make sure we are doing what we set out to do.

Stayed tuned, more will be coming as the workshop progresses. Right now we are in the planning stages with all of the pre-prep being organized by an Indonesian Vet Committee and for the first time they are organizing it on their own – it is after all their workshop.

Updates from the vet workshop will begin on August 2nd on our Facebook page.


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